Dessert & Baked Goods » Layering, Filling & Frosting a Cake

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Layering, Filling & Frosting a Cake
Layering, Filling & Frosting a Cake <p>Learn to slice perfect layers, add filling, and frost a whole <a href="/videos/dessert-and-baked-goods/basic-hot-milk-sponge-cake">Basic Hot Milk Sponge Cake</a> before you can say, " I can't believe I just did that!"  Well, maybe not that fast. But once you see the technique and muster up a little bit of courage, you really can do it too.</p>

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cake decorating

Learn to slice perfect layers, add filling, and frost a whole Basic Hot Milk Sponge Cake before you can say, " I can't believe I just did that!"  Well, maybe not that fast. But once you see the technique and muster up a little bit of courage, you really can do it too.

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