Hero Profile » About Lynne Viera

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About Lynne Viera
About Lynne Viera <p> Lynne is passionate about food which can be attributed to the fact that she was fortunate enough to grow up with a mother who was an incredible cook, a father who grew a garden that was the envy of the neighborhood and 6 siblings who all love to eat! Lynne is a second-generation American. Her grandparents are all from Portugal and the traditions and food of this country have had a big influence on her and inspired her to learn about other cultures and their food.</p>

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Lynne is passionate about food which can be attributed to the fact that she was fortunate enough to grow up with a mother who was an incredible cook, a father who grew a garden that was the envy of the neighborhood and 6 siblings who all love to eat! Lynne is a second-generation American. Her grandparents are all from Portugal and the traditions and food of this country have had a big influence on her and inspired her to learn about other cultures and their food.

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