Entrees » Savory Roll-ups

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Savory Roll-ups
Savory Roll-ups <p> <a href="/videos/profiles/about-susan-zubatkin">Susan</a> shares her mother-in-law&#39;s recipe and technique for these delicious roll-ups. To determine the right amount of savory ingredients, Susan uses the &quot;smell factor,&quot; which we&#39;re sure you&#39;ll agree is a foolproof way to prepare this dish. These roll-ups taste great, look beautiful and smell wonderful. Lucky for us Susan&#39;s husband encouraged her to keep the recipe in the family.</p>

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bread roll-ups, gametime apps, meat in pastry, potluck, sausage, savory roll-ups

Susan shares her mother-in-law's recipe and technique for these delicious roll-ups. To determine the right amount of savory ingredients, Susan uses the "smell factor," which we're sure you'll agree is a foolproof way to prepare this dish. These roll-ups taste great, look beautiful and smell wonderful. Lucky for us Susan's husband encouraged her to keep the recipe in the family.

Comments (4)

  • Posted Sunday, December 7, 2008, at 10:36 pm by 2noelle:
    These are truly a keeper; I made them after church along with some other things and they are delish!
  • Posted Monday, November 10, 2008, at 2:39 pm by Conor Olmstead:
    I made this this weekend (Nov 8) for my roomates. I sadly could not find any ground chicken so I used ground turkey instead but it still came out great. My roomates were very impressed and very well fed.
  • Posted Friday, November 7, 2008, at 2:45 am by Corey Flynn:
    Also! When I attended an election party a couple of days ago, I wanted to bring some appetizers and tried something slightly different with these. I used the same amount of chicken mixture, spread over two packages of crescent rolls instead of one. They were still delicious, but much more snack-sized.
  • Posted Thursday, October 30, 2008, at 11:35 pm by Corey Flynn:
    These are great! It was sooo easy to make them, and everyone LOVED them. (My husband told me he wanted to eat the whole roll, he thought they were so good.) This is definitely getting added to the rotation. Thank you Susan!

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