Appetizers » Cured Duck Breast

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Cured Duck Breast
Cured Duck Breast <p> <a href="/videos/profiles/about-tony-maws">Tony Maws</a> of <a href="">Craigie on Main</a> teaches you how to cure your own savory duck breast with just a few ingredients. The preparation is easy. Waiting 7-10 days to dig in will be hard. Every time you look in the refrigerator, there it&#39;ll be, tempting and taunting you to &quot;wait just a little while longer.&quot; But the wait is totally worth it!</p>

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charcuterie, cured duck breast, cured meat, cured poultry, duck, duck breast, french cuisine

Tony Maws of Craigie on Main teaches you how to cure your own savory duck breast with just a few ingredients. The preparation is easy. Waiting 7-10 days to dig in will be hard. Every time you look in the refrigerator, there it'll be, tempting and taunting you to "wait just a little while longer." But the wait is totally worth it!

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