Dessert & Baked Goods » Chocolate Covered Cherries

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Chocolate Covered Cherries
Chocolate Covered Cherries <p> A labor of love to be sure, but chocolate covered cherries are the bomb! You can infuse the maraschino cherries with your favorite liqueur for up to a year before making these confections for top-notch flavor. <a href="/videos/profiles/about-carolyn-care-cope">Carolyn (&quot;Care&quot;) Cope</a> of <a href="">Care&#39;s Bakery</a> shares her tips and tricks to create these babies for yourself or the ones you love.</p>

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cherry desserts, chocolate cherries, chocolate desserts

A labor of love to be sure, but chocolate covered cherries are the bomb! You can infuse the maraschino cherries with your favorite liqueur for up to a year before making these confections for top-notch flavor. Carolyn ("Care") Cope of Care's Bakery shares her tips and tricks to create these babies for yourself or the ones you love.

Comments (2)

  • Posted Tuesday, February 16, 2010, at 9:37 pm by Zoe Brookes:
    Made mine with tequila! Went down well at the office ;)
  • Posted Friday, February 12, 2010, at 12:16 am by mikenandrea:
    Have had my cherries soaking in some brandy for about a month now.. Cant wait to try this recipe!!

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