Beverages » Irish Coffee

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Irish Coffee
Irish Coffee <p> In this video <a href="/videos/profiles/about-lino">Lino</a>, from <a href="">Upstairs on the Square</a> will show you how to make an Irish Coffee - smooth, rich, warm and delicious. Legend has it that it was invented in a Dublin airport to help travelers get over jet lag. Here&#39;s hoping it works the same after a trip in the car, the bus, the subway, walking...</p>

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cocktails, coffee, coffee drink, hot beverages, irish

In this video Lino, from Upstairs on the Square will show you how to make an Irish Coffee - smooth, rich, warm and delicious. Legend has it that it was invented in a Dublin airport to help travelers get over jet lag. Here's hoping it works the same after a trip in the car, the bus, the subway, walking...

Comments (1)

  • Posted Sunday, October 2, 2011, at 5:35 pm by Boerseun:
    The cream is breaking into the coffee. Secondly it is in an ugly mug. I will send it straight back if I ordered it. Not good enough.

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