Dessert & Baked Goods » Italian Bread

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Italian Bread
Italian Bread <p> There really is nothing better than freshly-baked bread. <a href="">Colleen Resendes</a> of Montione&#39;s Bakery gives us the &quot;loaf-down&quot; on a classic: Italian Bread! She begins by making something called a &quot;biga&quot; &mdash; a pre-ferment often used in Italian baking. This is then mixed in with the rest of the ingredients the following day for a flavorful, textured, and airy final product. You can&#39;t have Italian bread without a biga. Fuhgitaboutit.&nbsp;</p>

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bread, homemade bread, italian bread, yeast bread

There really is nothing better than freshly-baked bread. Colleen Resendes of Montione's Bakery gives us the "loaf-down" on a classic: Italian Bread! She begins by making something called a "biga" — a pre-ferment often used in Italian baking. This is then mixed in with the rest of the ingredients the following day for a flavorful, textured, and airy final product. You can't have Italian bread without a biga. Fuhgitaboutit. 

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